ShenZhen Hozo Solar Co., Ltd

How to arrange solar garden lights better?

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tiempo de liberación: 2021-08-13

How to arrange solar garden lights better?(图1)

1、 Is the light more refined

The more solar garden lights are arranged, the better. Too many garden lights will increase the difficulty of the project and lead to a waste of resources. The most important thing in the layout of solar garden lights is precision, focusing on quality rather than quantity. For dispensable lights, it is better to omit them.

2、 The light color shall be considered in the light layout

How to arrange solar garden lights better? There are many colors for solar garden lights. When arranging, try to choose natural light color, and make full use of natural light. Only the ingenious combination of natural light and light can produce good results.

3、 Control the height of solar garden lights

If the lamp pole is too high, the lighting effect will become worse, and if the lamp pole is too low, it will bring discomfort to people. Therefore, the height of lamp pole must be reasonably selected Degrees.

4、 Pay attention to beauty in the layout of solar garden lights

If the layout is too messy, it will affect the aesthetics. Therefore, we should make reasonable planning, including the location of solar garden lights, the distance between garden lights and the type of garden lights, which should be considered comprehensively. In this way, a more perfect lighting system can be arranged.